Thursday, July 14, 2005

14 July Orcalab reports:

15:15 PDT Superb sounds!! Its been reported that the A30s are up near Donegal Head, the A12s appear to be waiting opposite CP, perhaps the A30s will come in for a visit.

16:4 PDT Superb sounds!!We are listening to the A30s and A4 calls on the CP hydraphone. Unfortunately they are right on the VI shore and so we are unable to see them clearly, perhaps they will come closer next time. They are heading East.

18:28 PDT Orcas rubbing on the shore bottom. The groups who passed us earlier are now rubbing in the reserve. Our camera is not running yet but will be shortly.

Seasmoke whalewatching reports:
Passenger's touring this afternoon encountered the A30 and A11 pods. They had been resting until their arrival into Johnstone Strait via Weynton Passage. At this point, they awoke and began to engage in a range of very relaxed and playful behaviours, such as breaching and spyhopping. Springer (A73), well known for the story of her separation and eventual reuniting with her family in this area a few years ago was observed , and appeared to be leading her young cousins in the games. Both pods were very vocal throughout the encounter.

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