Wednesday, August 03, 2005

3 August Orcalab reports

08:08 PDT No orcas present.
We think that both the A30s and the A12s ended up going through Blackney Pass last night. Although they were silent there were enough blows for groups to be there. We didn't hear anything overnight so it is difficult to know whether or not the whales continued out to the west or circled back to the Strait. Foggy here this morning and still quiet.

08:45 PDT Orcas hunting fish.
We began hearing very close echo location on Critical Point in the Bight a short while after hearing distant calls at 8:30am

08:49 PDT Distant calls audible.
Besides the whales closer to the Bight there is another group on the very far side of the Strait near Kaikash. This group is west bound. The Strait does not have fog like Blackney Pass at the moment.

09:11 PDT Distant calls audible.
Since the whales "opened" up and became vocal we believe the group nearer the Reserve is the A30s while the A12s are further west. A12 is crossing toward CP and so we are filming. I'll send out an Alert.

10:58 PDT Orcas (may be) approaching cameras.
The A12s look like they might head into Weynton Passage. meanwhil, the A30s are coming toward the CP area from Kaiakash. The humpback continues to circle in front of CP.

12:37 PDT Distant calls audible.
The a12s have come "out" of Weynton and are headed toward Bold Head while the A30s have decided to turn back to the east after spending a lot of time off of CP milling and foraging.

13:55 PDT Distant calls audible.
This is the A30s travelling toward the Reserve.

14:50 PDT Orcas rubbing on the shore bottom.
The A30s are rubbing. The A12s are west of Bold head.

16:21 PDT No calls but orcas nearby
The A30s left the beaches to the west while the A12s continued into Queen Charlotte Strait.

17:10 PDT Orcas (may be) approaching cameras.
There are whales approaching CP, probably the A30s, Channel A.


19:44 PDT Distant calls audible.
The A30s continued west from the CP area to the "top" end of Hanson Island and meanwhile the A12s are in the process of making their way back to the Strait via Weynton Passage after spending part of the afternoon in Queen Charlotte Strait. Today there wer four minke whales, dolphin, porpoises and humpbacks too as well as the orcas!

22:07 PDT Distant calls audible.
Both the A30s and the A12s are probably eastbound in the strait The A30s have been the most vocal. The A12s may be resting.

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