Tuesday, August 07, 2007

07 August 2007, Orcalab reports:

No orcas present.

Early this morning, the A12s continued west in Johnstone Strait and turned into Blackney Pass. By 2:30am they were heading through Blackfish Sound. It was unclear whether the A24s stayed with the A12s. We last heard their calls around 11:30pm when they were still in the Strait. The A30s were ahead of both these groups having entered Blackfish Sound by 10:30pm. The A36s are most likely still east in Johnstone Strait. This morning whales were seen in Queen Charlotte Strait around 6am.
07 Aug 2007 08:02:01 PDT

Orcas near mics.

The A30s just turned up, almost exactly where they left off 12 hours ago! They are travelling south through Blackney Pass at the moment. We cannot see them because of the thick fog but we can hear their calls and blows. The A12s AND the A24s are eastbound in Queen Charlotte Strait headed for Donegal Head (east end of Malcolm Island).
07 Aug 2007 11:32:47 PDT

Multiple pod calls audible.

The A12s and the A24s continued east once in johnstone strait. They came in via Weynton Pass. The A30s took themselves off to the rubbing beaches. When finished there they returned west, first to Robson Bight, and then further where they connected with A12 and A33 (the A34s and the A24s were pretty preoccupied with each other all day long). The A30s then continued west and are currently between Bauza and Blinkhorn (east of Telegraph Cove) on the Vancouver Island side. The A12s and Co are off the Ecological Reserve heading east. There was a rumour that the little R7 group might be tucked in with the A24s and the A34s. An interesting note was when the A12s and the A24s came into the Strait the A24s did most of the talking west of Cracroft Point and then when the groups were east of Cracroft Point the A12s were most vocal.
07 Aug 2007 18:22:48 PDT

Distant calls audible.

The A30s are back at the western end of Blackfish Sound. The A36s at 7:30pm were westbound at Ripple Point (still very far east) and the A12s and the A24s most likely continued east from the rubing beaches.
07 Aug 2007 21:19:12 PDT

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