Saturday, September 20, 2008

A30s foraging

Orcas near mics.

The A30s came back to Johnstone Strait this morning and went east past Robson Bight. They are just now returning to the Bight headed west. We have heard close echo location.
20 Sep 2008 10:47:35 PDT

Seasmoke reports

The A30 matriline were reported in the Robson Bight Ecological Reserve, they were at the east end, headed east but turned and began making their way back to the west. While most of the blows could be seen at Critical Point inside the Reserve, two orcas were sighted on the Cracroft side, they were identified as A30 and A38. They were foraging steadily to the west, as were the rest of the family, parallel on the VI shore inside the Reserve. Two pacific white-sided dolphins were observed swimming nearby which resulted in A30 and A38 taking long dives. A38 surprised everyone when he suddenly appeared alongside the boat, he had traveled a distance from his last dive sighting, near his mother, who was still traveling close to the Cracroft shore. The orcas were obviously searching for food, they were focussed, intent on feeding. A30 and A38 made their way over to the VI shore, all of the orcas remained spread out, intent on foraging along the VI shore.

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