Thursday, July 30, 2009

A30s left A4s and A5s and spend the day in Queen Charlotte Strait

Superb sounds!!

Sounds like at least some of the A1s & A5s are returning from the east & are now in, or passing, Robson Bight. We're listening to them on the Critical Point hydrophone. Lots of echolocation, so they must be finding fish!
30 Jul 2009 04:56:24 PDT

Distant calls audible.

Quite a bit going on. The A30s,A4s and the A5s came west from the Ecological Reserve to around the entrance of Blackney Pass. They may have turned back east. We are also hearing the A36s opposite the entrance to Blackney Pass.
30 Jul 2009 07:14:04 PDT

Orcas near mics.

The A30s, A5s,A4s and A36s (A12) are nearing Robson Bight as they head back eastward.
30 Jul 2009 08:14:30 PDT

Distant calls audible.

Nothing like having the fog clear to make everything a bit clearer. We had assumed that the A30s had stayed with the A4s and the A5s (with whom they had come west around 4:30am this morning) as those two groups turned and went back eastward. Instead, the A30s carried on to the west and left Johnstone Strait at around 8:10am via Weynton Passage. Kingfisher, camped near the entrance of Weynton Pass saw them disappear to the west through Weynton. They have since been located (10 am) very close to Donegal Head still moving slowly out west. Meanwhile, the A36s have parked themselves in front of Cracroft Point (CP) foraging and taking deep dives. An A5 group went past the Rubbing Beaches as the A24s moved into Robson Bight. For now, that is it!
30 Jul 2009 10:34:55 PDT

Distant calls audible.

Here is a catch-up: the A36s (even A46) finally moved on to the west. A46 returned to the Cracroft Point area with A12. A12's movements were somewhat obscure today as CP lost track of her for a time. Right now, A32 and A37 are on the edge of Blackfish Sound after going through Weynton Pass without A46 or A12. They may have been waiting for the A30s to return. The A30s spent most of the afternoon in Queen Charlotte Strait but are now off Bold Head in Blackfish Sound. A32 and A37 have turned back toward Weynton Pass.
30 Jul 2009 18:50:24 PDT

No calls but orcas nearby

A32 and A37 have arrived (from the west) off Cracroft Point. A12 and A46 ,who were there before, have moved to the east of CP. We do not know where the A30s are but we believe the A24s and the A5s contiued east from the Ecological Reserve earlier today.
30 Jul 2009 20:56:57 PDT

Orcas near mics.

We are finally hearing the A30s in Blackfish Sound. They are moving our direction!
30 Jul 2009 21:59:29 PDT

Orcas near mics.

The A30s are picking ity up again as they near Flower Island in Blackfish Sound. Next stop - OL? The A36s are vocal every so often in the Strait. CP's last report was that they and A12 were all headed east . Unfortunately, a tug just went south into Johnstone Stait.
30 Jul 2009 22:39:44 PDT

Seasmoke reports
Following up on a report that orcas were seen earlier heading out through Weynton Passage in the fog, we had gone in that direction and once out into the Queen Charlotte Strait the visibility was clear yet there were no orcas initially in sight and the flood current was strong. It was quite by chance the orcas were sighted, they were tucked in very close to Donegal Head on the south side and traveling close to the shore. Once around the corner of Donegal Head the A30’s spread out and were foraging extensively, A30 and A38 were foraging together as they had been yesterday and foraged closest to the Malcolm Island shoreline. There was a lot of activity observed from both A50’s and A54’s calves including breaching, pectoral and tail slapping, all seen at a distance. It was wonderful to see their exuberant and free-style fun in a wide and almost empty ocean (of boats), having it to themselves for awhile. Their A-Clan calls and ecolocations were superb to listen to and enjoyed by all passengers on both of our vessels.

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