Thursday, July 23, 2009

A30s vocal in Johstone Strait

Orcas near mics.

A lot of calling and some movement have brought the A30s back eastward to the Ecological Reserve. The tide is in a strong flood
23 Jul 2009 03:38:26 PDT

Multiple pod calls audible.

New visitors! being brought in by an A1 group.
23 Jul 2009 05:46:52 PDT

Multiple pod calls audible.

I forgot to mention that it sounds like the Cs.
23 Jul 2009 05:51:05 PDT

Seasmoke reports
Today we encountered two groups of resident orcas heading east of Burnt Point in Blackfish Sound, they were the A30’s who were in the lead followed by the C10’s; both pods were favoring the Hanson Island shore and traveling slowly against a strong ebb current. As the groups neared the bottom of Hanson Island the A30’s stalled, were milling about and resting against the current while the C10’s moved ahead milling just at Cracroft Point allowing the A30’s to enter Johnstone Strait first. This is the first time for seeing the C10’s this summer so it was very exciting indeed. It has been confirmed by DFO that both C23 and C10 each have new calves. With both the pods in Johnstone Strait, they began heading to the east. The viewing was beautiful throughout and it was wonderful observing the dynamics between the two pods. There was a lot of interaction between family members with pectoral and tail slapping and spy-hopping being observed.

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