Friday, July 31, 2009

A30s went west Malcolm Island. Then returned in JS

Orcas hunting fish.

Last night: As the A36s with A12 shifted east of Cracroft Point, the A30s, made a try for Blackney Pass. By 10:16pm they were nearing Blackney Pass but then retreated. At 10:56pm they made Blackney again but again only made it partially through the Pass before returning to Blackfish Sound. Their calls grew increasingly distant as they moved westward by 11:30pm. After midnight (12:40am), there were just a few distant calls in the Strait so it is unclear if that was the A30s or the A36s. The rest of the night was quiet except for boat noise, of course. At 8:12am ,we began to hear faint calls followed by (just now) closer echo location in Robson Bight. This will most likely be a returning group from the east.
31 Jul 2009 09:01:15 PDT

No calls but orcas nearby

The A30s are headed east off of Lizard Point.
31 Jul 2009 11:47:37 PDT

No calls but orcas nearby

The A30s are headed east and are off of Donigal Head
31 Jul 2009 12:02:44 PDT

Superb sounds!!

This is the A30's who have just entered Johnstone Straight through Weyton.
31 Jul 2009 15:31:44 PDT

We have whales on the Rubbing Beaches... most likely the A30's... they were last heard heading east in johnstone straight. The A36's and A12 are hanging around the entrance of Blackney Pass and CP. They have been moving around in this area for a few hours.
31 Jul 2009 18:31:11 PDT

Superb sounds!!

This is A30's on Critical Point... the A36's are still hovering around CP and the entrance of Blackney
31 Jul 2009 19:19:04 PDT

Seasmoke reports
The A30’s, who had traveled east from Lizard Point this morning were observed entering Johnstone Strait from Blackfish Sound via a narrow waterway that separates the Plumper Island group from Hanson Island and is known locally as the ‘Blowhole’. It is always a special treat to see orcas navigating through the narrow island waterways in this manner and on this occasion, the A30’s (10 orcas in total), was a powerfully moving sight to see.

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